Saturday, January 30, 2021

NC DHSR AHCLCS: Home Care Licensure Information

All clinical trainees, medical students, interns, and resident physicians must be explicitly identified as such on their badges. This information must be clearly visible and must be stated in terms or abbreviations reasonably understandable to the average person, as recognized by the Department of Health and Environmental Control. "Resident physician" means an individual who is participating in any graduate medical education program and whose relationship to the patient is under the auspices of the medical education program.

south carolina home care regulations

For purposes of this article, a direct caregiver does not include a faculty member or student enrolled in an educational program, including clinical study in a direct care entity. No hospital report or department disclosure may contain information identifying a patient, employee, or licensed health care professional in connection with a specific infection incident. The trustee or trustees under any trust indenture, or any depository specified by such trust indenture, may be such person or corporations as the county board shall designate, notwithstanding that they may be nonresidents of South Carolina or incorporated under the laws of the United States or the laws of other states of the United States. To issue bonds to refinance or to refund outstanding obligations, mortgages or advances heretofore or hereafter issued, made or given by a hospital or public agency for the cost of hospital facilities. But the commission may not bind the city to any obligation for the payment of any expenses in connection with the management, operation or construction of the hospital or for repairs, new buildings, construction or otherwise without first obtaining the consent and approval of the city council and shall incur no obligations that shall bind the city or city council in any way without first obtaining the consent thereto of such city council. If at any time any such contributing agreement should become unsatisfactory, the hospital board of trustees may discontinue it at the end of any calendar year by giving prior notice to the county legislative delegation and the auditor of the county in which the school district is located, or a majority of the freeholders and a majority of the qualified electors in the district may petition the county legislative delegation to discontinue such agreement.

Crisis Stabilization Unit Facilities

"Nursing home" means a facility with an organized nursing staff to maintain and operate organized facilities and services to accommodate two or more unrelated persons over a period exceeding twenty-four hours which is operated either in connection with a hospital or as a freestanding facility for the express or implied purpose of providing intermediate or skilled nursing care for persons who are not in need of hospital care. A nursing home is a facility with an organized nursing staff to maintain and operate organized facilities and services to accommodate two or more unrelated persons over a period exceeding 24 hours. The facility is operated either in connection with a hospital or as a freestanding facility for the express or implied purpose of providing intermediate or skilled nursing care for persons who are not in need of hospital care. From child care checklists to emergency numbers, families and child care providers will find essential and helpful information here.

The application must set forth the full name and address of the facility for which the license is sought, as applicable, and the full name and address of the owner, the names of the persons in control, and additional information as the department may require, including affirmative evidence of ability to comply with standards and regulations adopted by the department. Each applicant shall pay a license fee prior to issuance of a license as established by regulation. Nursing home or community residential care facility licensure; fingerprint-based criminal records check; prohibition of issuance of license or requirement of revocation for certain crimes. The South Carolina Health Plan must address and include projections and standards for specified health services and equipment which have a potential to substantially impact health care cost and accessibility. Nothing in this provision shall be construed as requiring the department to approve any project which is inconsistent with the South Carolina Health Plan. "Facility for chemically dependent or addicted persons" means a facility organized to provide outpatient or residential services to chemically dependent or addicted persons and their families based on an individual treatment plan including diagnostic treatment, individual and group counseling, family therapy, vocational and educational development counseling, and referral services.

DHEC Laws and Regulations: Land Waste Management

The department is authorized to enter at all times in or on the property of any facility or service, whether public or private, licensed by the department or unlicensed, for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to a violation of this article or regulations of the department. The department's authorized agents may examine and copy any records or memoranda pertaining to the operation of a licensed or unlicensed facility or service to determine compliance with this article. However, if such entry or inspection is denied or not consented to and no emergency exists, the department is empowered to obtain a warrant to enter and inspect the property and its records from the magistrate in the jurisdiction in which the property is located. The magistrate may issue these warrants upon a showing of probable cause for the need for entry and inspection. The department shall furnish a written copy of the results of the inspection or investigation to the owner or operator of the property. The department may not issue licenses for the operation of facilities or services subject to this article unless the facility and persons named in the application are found to comply with the provisions of this article and the department's regulations.

"Facilities wherein abortions are performed" means a facility, other than a hospital, in which any second trimester or five or more first trimester abortions are performed in a month. Violations of Article; penalties; relocation of patients; report of daily Medicaid resident census information. Other disciplinary actions as defined by regulation promulgated by the Board of Podiatry Examiners. Other disciplinary actions as defined by regulation promulgated by the State Board of Medical Examiners. Obtain local business licensure and prepare to open your home care business in South Carolina.

VII. Rules and Regulations for Home Care Providers in South Carolina

The provisions of this article do not apply to hospitals owned or operated by the Department of Mental Health or by specialized hospitals licensed exclusively for treatment of alcohol or drug abuse and which are under contract with the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services. Right of patient to contact attending physician; nurse's duty to assist; mechanism for resolution of patient's personal medical care concerns. "Credentialed physician" means a licensed physician who has completed his or her postgraduate medical training who has medical staff privileges at a hospital. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Fiscal Accountability Authority or Department of Administration, as applicable, must consult the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education prior to granting authorization to effectuate the transaction provided for in this article. By August first of each year the department shall submit an annual report to the Joint Legislative Committee on Children regarding the status of the comprehensive interagency system, including new and existing resources and gaps in services.

south carolina home care regulations

Where the district is assisting an individual hospital or institution in any of the ways identified herein, the chairman or president of the board of trustees of the hospital or institution and one other member of the board of trustees designated by the respective board shall be named ex officio members of the board of directors of the district. These ex officio members shall serve without vote for the duration of the contractual relationships of the respective institutions with the district, or until a successor is named and qualifies. Application of provisions of article to bonds whose proceeds are to be loaned to more than one hospital agency or public agency; authority of county board of authorizing issuer. Authorization for public agencies to enter into subsidiary loan agreements with county board; county not to obligate itself. No hospital facilities shall be provided for any hospital agency or public agency which is not financially responsible and capable of fulfilling its obligations under the loan agreement, including the obligations to make the payments required thereunder, to operate, repair and maintain at its own expense the hospital facilities and to discharge such other responsibilities as may be imposed under the loan agreement.

There is hereby created a body politic and corporate to be known as the Pee Dee Regional Health Services District composed of the counties of Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion and Marlboro with an office in or near the city of Florence in Florence County as determined by the board. Minutes of all its meetings shall be kept and be subject to the inspection of the city council or its representatives, and it shall submit reports to the city council annually or oftener if desired. Review of application; advisement by the Attorney General to the department to approve or deny application.

south carolina home care regulations

The said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and the treasurer, and the seal of the issuing municipality shall be impressed thereon, but the coupons attached may be authenticated by only the lithographed or the facsimile signatures of the mayor and treasurer of such municipality. The bonds so executed shall be valid notwithstanding any change in officials occurring before delivery thereof. The treasurer shall receive no compensation for his services, and no trustee shall receive compensation for his services, but he may receive reimbursement for any cash expenditures actually made for personal expenses incurred as such trustee.

What are you waiting for? Get started on your home care license in South Carolina today!

Should any municipal hospital authorized under the provisions of this article be built outside the corporate limits of the city or town, the jurisdiction of the municipal corporation shall extend over all land and property used for the hospital, and all ordinances of such city or town shall be in full force and effect in and over the territory so occupied. The trustees shall hold their offices for two years or until their successors shall be appointed. In order to meet the principal and interest of such bonds as they mature, the auditor of the county or the clerk of the council of any town or city shall annually levy upon all of the property of such county, township, city or town taxes not exceeding two mills and for a period of time not exceeding twenty years, the proceeds from such levy to be paid out by the proper officers for the retirement of the principal and interest on any bonds sold.

south carolina home care regulations

The department may promulgate regulations as necessary to carry out its responsibilities under this article. The department, after consultation with the advisory committee, may phase-in the reporting requirements of this section. The advisory committee shall assist the department in the development of all aspects of the department's methodology for collecting, analyzing, and disclosing the information collected under this article, including collection methods, formatting, and methods and means for release and dissemination of this information. If the hospital is a division or subsidiary of another entity that owns or operates other hospitals, or related facilities, the report must be for the specific division or subsidiary and not for the other entity. Hospitals also shall report completeness of certain selected infection control processes, as recommended by the advisory committee and defined by the department, according to accepted standard definitions.

Best Outcomes for Children and Families

The proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds shall be deposited with the city or town treasurer and shall be distributed by him upon direction of the hospital board of trustees for the purposes authorized herein. Every person who is financially able shall pay to the board of hospital trustees or such officers as it shall designate for such county or public hospital or tuberculosis camp such reasonable compensation as he is able to pay for occupying a bed in such hospital or camp or being nursed, cared for or maintained therein according to the rules and regulations of the board. The board of trustees when so organized shall adopt and promulgate such rules, regulations and bylaws for the government of the hospital or tuberculosis camp as may be deemed expedient for the economic and equitable conduct thereof. It shall have control of the expenditure of all moneys collected to the credit of the hospital or tuberculosis camp, the construction of any building or buildings and the care of the grounds, rooms and buildings purchased.

south carolina home care regulations

Researching the South Carolina regulations is a must when starting this process of applying for your home care license in South Carolina. South Carolina also requires an Administrator and Alternately qualified individual to run the home care business. The administrator also needs to pass a background check and be subject to random drug testing. The Home Care License will have to be renewed every year and a state survey of the agency will take place. This is not an easy task, professional assistance will most likely be required to navigate the process and keep the business running smoothly.

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