Saturday, January 30, 2021

Code of Laws Title 44 Chapter 7 Hospitals, Tuberculosis Camps, And Health Services Districts

The department may promulgate regulations as necessary to carry out its responsibilities under this article. The department, after consultation with the advisory committee, may phase-in the reporting requirements of this section. The advisory committee shall assist the department in the development of all aspects of the department's methodology for collecting, analyzing, and disclosing the information collected under this article, including collection methods, formatting, and methods and means for release and dissemination of this information. If the hospital is a division or subsidiary of another entity that owns or operates other hospitals, or related facilities, the report must be for the specific division or subsidiary and not for the other entity. Hospitals also shall report completeness of certain selected infection control processes, as recommended by the advisory committee and defined by the department, according to accepted standard definitions.

south carolina home care regulations

A person qualified to practice as a surgical technologist pursuant to subsection remains qualified to practice regardless of a break in practice provided the continuing education required in subsection is current. The department is authorized to investigate, by inspection or otherwise, any facility to determine if its operation is subject to licensure. Before undertaking a project enumerated in subsection , a person shall obtain a written exemption from the department as may be more fully described in regulation. "Medicaid nursing home permit" means a permit to serve Medicaid patients in an appropriately certified nursing home. Proof that lodging, food or other accommodation based upon contract was obtained by false pretense or by false or fictitious show or pretense of baggage, that a person absconded without paying or offering to pay for such food, lodging or other accommodation based upon contract or that a person surreptitiously removed or attempted to remove his baggage shall be prima facie proof of the fraudulent intent mentioned in this section.

I. What You Should Expect to Pay for Home Care in South Carolina

The penalty imposed by the department for violation of this article or its regulations must be not less than one hundred nor more than five thousand dollars for each violation of any of the provisions of this article. After a Certificate of Need application has been filed with the department, state and federal elected officials are prohibited from communicating with the department with regard to the Certificate of Need application at any time. This prohibition does not include written communication of support or opposition to an application. After receipt of an application with proof of publication and payment of the initial application fee, the department shall publish in the State Register a notice that an application has been accepted for filing.

south carolina home care regulations

All federal moneys accepted under such terms and conditions as are prescribed by the United States and as are consistent with state law, and all other moneys accepted under this section shall be accepted and expended by the board upon such terms and conditions as are prescribed by the State or other sources thereof. All revenues derived by the district from the operation of any revenue-producing facility which may not be required to discharge covenants made by it in issuing bonds, notes or other obligations as authorized herein shall be held, disposed of or expended by the board for purposes germane to the functions and purposes of the district. Notice of approval of loan agreement; filing requirements; challenge of approval of loan agreements. All moneys received pursuant to the authority of this article, whether as proceeds from the sale of bonds or as revenues, shall be deemed to be trust funds to be held and applied solely as provided in this article and in any resolution or trust indenture pursuant hereto. Any officer with whom, or any bank or trust company with which, such moneys shall be deposited shall act as trustee of such moneys and shall hold and apply the same for the purposes hereof, subject to such regulations as this article and the resolution authorizing the bonds of any issue or any trust indenture. Except as provided in paragraph of this section, all refunding bonds issued under the authority of this article shall be payable in the same manner and under the same terms and conditions as are herein provided for the issuance of bonds.

Nursing Homes Licensing

After you have operated for 45 days, we will visit to complete your full evaluation, and if a successful visit, your case will be submitted for a regular license. Step 4.Once the above items have been submitted to Child Care Licensing, you will be assigned a Licensing Specialist and you will be asked to complete the necessary document in the application packet. "Medical student" means an individual enrolled in a program culminating in a degree in medicine. This subsection does not prohibit the publication by MUSC of reports and statistical compilations that do not in any way identify individual cases or individual sources of information.

south carolina home care regulations

At any time when the district does not have any securities outstanding and when there are no other obligations assumed by the district that are then outstanding, the district may be dissolved in accordance with its articles of incorporation. The Secretary of State, subject to the requirements of this article, shall prescribe the exact form of the certificate of incorporation. The certificate of incorporation must be signed and acknowledged by each of the incorporators before a notary public. To exercise on behalf of the district all of the powers relating to the issuance of bonds granted to the governing bodies of counties under Article 11, Chapter 7, Title 44 of the 1976 Code .

NC Division of Health Service Regulation

When compiling its reports, the department may combine data from multiple reporting periods in order to better demonstrate hospital acquired infection rates. To assist in delivery of medical care to indigent residents of the district or payment to other providers of medical care to indigent residents of the district not otherwise compensated for and within the limit of available funds. Within forty days following the adoption of the authorizing resolution, the applicant shall proceed to incorporate the district by filing for record in the office of the Secretary of State a certificate of incorporation which shall comply with the requirements of this article and must be in the form and executed in the manner provided in this article.

The proceedings and data, documents, records, and information described in subsection may be shared with a parent corporation, subsidiaries, other hospitals in the health care system, directors, officers, employees, and agents of the hospital and if shared, remain confidential. These proceedings and data, documents, records, and information in subsection are not subject to discovery, subpoena, or introduction into evidence in any civil action unless the hospital and any affected person who is a party to such action waives the confidentiality in writing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, in the event an affected person asserts a claim in any civil action against a hospital, its parent, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, or member of any committee of a licensed hospital, relating to any proceeding identified in subsection , the hospital may, without consultation with the affected person, waive confidentiality in that civil action.

Employ technical or professional services as may be desirable to the performance of the duties in the district. The term of each member shall expire on the January first nearest to the end of the term of years for which he is appointed or as otherwise provided in the foregoing provisions; provided, that each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. It is specifically found and declared that all action taken by any county in carrying out the purposes of this article will perform an essential governmental function. Such bonds shall mature serially over a period not exceeding thirty years from the date of their issue, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent per annum, payable annually, shall be payable to bearer within or without the State and shall be in such form and denominations as the city council of such municipality may determine.

Such a disclosure to a practitioner in a disciplinary proceeding or fair hearing must not be considered a waiver of any privilege or confidentiality provided for in subsection . The practitioner must not, however, without the written consent of the hospital, publish to any third party, other than legal counsel or a person retained for the purposes of representing the practitioner in a disciplinary proceeding or fair hearing, the data, documents, records, or information that were disclosed to him as part of the disciplinary proceeding or fair hearing. A health care facility shall supervise each person employed by the health care facility to practice surgical technology according to the health care facility's policies and procedures to ensure that the person competently performs delegated tasks intraoperatively according to this section or other applicable provisions of law. A health care facility that employs a person to practice surgical technology shall verify that the person meets the continuing education requirements of subsection or that the person has held and maintained the Surgical Technologist Certification as required in subsection .

The provisions of this article do not apply to hospitals owned or operated by the Department of Mental Health or by specialized hospitals licensed exclusively for treatment of alcohol or drug abuse and which are under contract with the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services. Right of patient to contact attending physician; nurse's duty to assist; mechanism for resolution of patient's personal medical care concerns. "Credentialed physician" means a licensed physician who has completed his or her postgraduate medical training who has medical staff privileges at a hospital. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Fiscal Accountability Authority or Department of Administration, as applicable, must consult the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education prior to granting authorization to effectuate the transaction provided for in this article. By August first of each year the department shall submit an annual report to the Joint Legislative Committee on Children regarding the status of the comprehensive interagency system, including new and existing resources and gaps in services.

The Board of Health and Environmental Control shall appoint an advisory committee that must have an equal number of members representing all involved parties. The board shall seek recommendations for appointments to the advisory committee from organizations that represent the interests of hospitals, consumers, businesses, purchasers of health care services, physicians, and other professionals involved in the research and control of infections. Provide for the operation of its regional health care facilities or any other hospital or health care related facility in its charge. Contracts for the construction of any hospital facilities may be let on such terms and under such conditions as the county board and the hospital agency or public agency may agree upon and may be let with or without advertisement or call for bids. The principal, interest and premium, if any, on any bonds shall be secured by a pledge of the revenues payable to the county pursuant to the loan agreement relating to the hospital facilities financed out of the bond proceeds and any bonds may be issued pursuant to a trust indenture, which may constitute a mortgage lien.

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