Saturday, January 11, 2020

Steam Burn Treatment and Home Remedies for Steam Burns Relief

The chemist accidentally burnt his hand in the lab but at once put it in a bowl of lavender oil. This oil alleviated his pain and healed the burns. The recipe for how to treat a steam burn is given below. It is normally said that oil must not be applied on burns. When you think about what to put on steam burns you can safely take coconut oil since it is different and has major healing properties.

steam burn treatment home remedies

This will cause further damage and you may find blisters on skin. The first thing during steam burn care is to make sure that the affected person remains cool. Before, the doctor arrives you have to analyse the situation and seriousness of burns.


If face or eyes are burned, sit upright to help reduce swelling. Cool scalded area with cool water for 20 minutes. Steam burns can be underestimated, because a burn from steam might not look as damaging as other types of burns.

steam burn treatment home remedies

Remember, even a little exposure to steam can cause serious damage, so act quickly. Burns caused by heat are called thermal burns. A steam burn is a type of thermal burn caused by boiling hot water vapor.


Water-based lotions or aloe vera work well as a burns treatment. Avoid other home remedies, such as toothpaste, cooking oil, or butter as these can cause infection and further complications. All jewellery and clothing should be removed from the burn/scald area. This will stop items like metal jewellery retaining the heat and continuing to burn the skin.

Hold the burned area under cool running water or apply a cool, wet compress until the pain eases. Putting ice directly on a burn can cause further damage to the tissue. Apply a herbal cooling lotion on the steam burn. Aloe vera gel is one of the most effective cooling gels for minor burns.

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Lavender oil has been used for thousands of years to naturally treat burns. Apply several drops of lavender oil to the injured area 3x daily. Zinc – The chemical reactions necessary to promote wound healing require zinc.

steam burn treatment home remedies

After you have received first aid for a major burn, your medical care may include medications and products that are intended to encourage healing. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Apply honey on the affected area then get a plastic flexible wrap to cover the burnt skin part. Seal the area with gauze and leave it for two days.

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If the person becomes short of breath, seek immediate medical care. You can estimate the extent of the burn by adding up all the areas with blisters or worse injuries. If an entire arm is covered in blisters, that's 9%. Keep doing this until the burned area feels cool to the touch.

steam burn treatment home remedies

Another thing they’re good for is high blood pressure. Because they decrease the amount of blood flowing, they also lower the stress on your arteries. Also, certain natural remedies can reduce the risk of infection and help areas heal without scarring.

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Repeat this activity for 15 to 20 minutes for proper steam burn care. Look out for symptoms of infection in your burn. It includes swelling, red streaks, increased pain or fever. Severe sunburns are sometimes referred to as sun poisoning.

steam burn treatment home remedies

If the hot or boiling water remains on the skin or covers a large area of the body it can cause long-term damage. Using the tannic acid found in black tea will help immensely to draw heat from a minor burn. You can collect the tea by putting a couple of tea bags under a spout of cool water and collect the tea in a cup.

It is not at all severe because it hurts only the outer layer of the skin. Mild pain, swelling and redness are some of the symptoms. Minor steam burn can easily be treated at home with first aid and kitchen ingredients. The severe burns or burns around special areas like face, genitals etc require immediate doctor’s attention. The steam burns are normally external and minor ones. This is because immediately the reflex action takes place and thus the skin is not exposed to the high temperature for a long duration to cause a major burn.

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